

For the smooth function of the Library the following rules areto be observed strictly :

1. Library is a place of serious study and research. Thereforestrict silence shall be maintained in the library.

2. School bag, notebooks, other books etc., are not to be takento the library. However, you may take loose sheet of paper, ifyou wish to take notes from the reference books.

3. Books in the Library are to be handled with care. Booksshould be wrapped and used.

4. Each student is entitled to borrow one book at a time andkeep the same for 7 days. Strict punctuality has to bemaintained in this regard. Defaulters will be fined Rs. 1/- perday or they will be barred from Library facilities.

5. Re-issue of same book is not permitted.

6. Books can be returned to the Library anytime during theLibrary hours.

7. Books in the reference section are not to be taken out of thelibrary. They are to be used in the Library itself.

8. Attention of the librarian should be drawn to the damagedbooks about to be borrowed.

9. All books taken from the library should be returned two weeksbefore the Terminal and Annual Examinations.

10. Students who scribble in the books or pluck out pages will bepenalized.

11. Not withstanding any of the above, any one who causesinconvenience to the discipline and general good of the Librarywill be suspended from the School.

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