There are three Major Examinations in a year is Quarterly,Half yearly and Final besides regular class tests. The passmark is 40%.
Fail to appear in any examination can seriously affect thestudents promotion.
The result declared at the end of the year is final and cannotbe reconsidered.
There will be neither re-test nor re-exam.
If a pupil does not pass in all subjects any concession thatshe/he enjoys is cancelled.
Promotions are given on the basis of one year’s work andnot merely on marks scored in the final exams. Totalaggregate of 40% in each subject is a preconditionforpromotion.
Each students is required to be present for 90% of the schooldays as a precondition for promotion.
In all questions of promotion or failure the principal’s decision is final.
No rank will be given if a student has failed or absented inany subject. Answer scripts of Quarterly and Half Yearly willbe shown to the parents. Final Examination Answer scripts
will not be shown.