

1. Boys and girls should look upon their teachers as father/mother.

2. Respect every teacher whether of your own class or not. Begrateful towards those who taught you in the past. Show yourteachers those exterior signs of reverence to which they areentitled, such as greeting them whenever you meet themand standing up as mark of respect when they pass by.

3. Be convinced that your teachers deeply feel their seriousobligation of promoting your welfare in the best way theypossibly can, and that in advising, commanding andcorrecting you, they have nothing else in view but your owngood.

4. After piety study is most praiseworthy. Therefore, your firstoccupation must consist in doing their tasks assigned to youby your teachers.

5. Always rise when your teachers enter the class and againwhen they leave. If they delay in coming do not make anynoise, but wait for them in your places in silence reviewingyour lesson or reading some useful and good books.

6. During class avoid whispering or interrupting.


1. Strive to edify your schoolmates by your good example at alltime. Infact no sermon is more efficacious than goodexample.

2. Never make fun of those who are backward in their studiesor not so quick to grasp their lessons. Let there be no ridiculingof any one on account of his/her physical defect. What you

laugh at or despise in others may some day befall you.

3. Gladly help one another at recreation, make no distinction inthe choice of your companions. Let no one be slighted in anygame and let there be no selfishness. If there be need tomake a sacrifice for the sake of the team let it be madecheerfully

4. When you are asked by your teachers or principal regardingthe conduct of some of your companions, answer to the bestof your knowledge especially when it is a matter of preventing

or remedying some evil. To be silent would not be beneficialto your companion and would be offensive to God. Alwaysavoid exaggeration and speak truthfully.

5. Boys and girls should look upon their school-mates asbrothers and sisters.


1. To write or draw on the black-board (expect when called uponto do so) to write offensive words, to soil walls or maps oranything else are things absolutely to be avoided.

2. Take great care of your text books, copy books and otherbelongings. Beware of appropriating your neighbour’sproperty even if it be the smallest thing. Should you find alost article, give it at once to the Vice-Principal.

3. Keep the floor clean by allowing no paper or ink to fall on it,Cleanliness and purity of soul are reflected by a clean andneat exterior.

4. Speak well of your mates, or of the discipline or managementof the school.

5. Always speak well of your teachers and school.

6. To enter the hall in such a hurry or even to run the risk ofhurting your companions, to try to go ahead of others in orderto secure a better seat or place, to stand when you shouldbe seated, to shout, whistle, to boo or hiss or in any otherway give evidence of disapproval or dislike are things

absolutely to be avoided.

7. Do not ridicule any one for his/her mistake or awkwardness.When the curtain Is lowered, applaud generously but notboisterously.

8. Be gentlemanly also when the things have not been accordingto your tastes or as perfect as you expected them be.

9. In leaving the hall do not push or shove one another.

10. Speak well of all, think well of all, do good to all.

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